Building bridges & Growing Business


Market Analysis & Business Development

  • Market analysis & evaluation of the business opportunities in the market.
  • Competitor analysis (benchmark).
  • Creation of business model.
  • Positioning of the product/service in the market.
  • Analysis of the different customer segments and their needs.
  • Corporate content in local language; catalogs, brochures, videos etc.
  • Product and brand development.
  • Analysis of opportunities for cross-selling activities to customer base.

B2B and B2C Sales Strategies

  • Lead management (Identifying and capturing potential customers).
  • Creation and prospecting of new sales channels and POS.
  • Agent, distributor, partner and customer search.
  • Analysis of customer database; creation, build-up and segmentation.
  • Sales process analysis and improvement of the sales process.
  • Online and/or off-line direct sales.
  • Local sales representation and customer support.

Digital marketing

  • Creation of online marketing campaigns (Google AdWords).
  • Creation of content and send-out of newsletters and sales campaigns.
  • Marketing and sales campaigns via Facebook for Business, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube.
  • Registration in online directories and internet portals.
  • Creation of website and webshop.
  • Creation of all texts and content in Swedish, English and Spanish.

Local Sales Support; Event & Customer support

  • Virtual office with visiting address and contact information in the local market.
  • Customer service; order handling, deliveries and complaints.
  • Sales trainings, workshops, store events and webinars.
  • Organization of and attendance to PR events, trade fairs and other marketing events.

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